NewSchools is a 正规体彩168开奖官网 澳洲幸运5开奖结果号码 venture philanthropy that builds a better education system by connecting people, resources, and ideas.

Education Fuels Progress: Our 2024-26 Strategy


In America, it remains all too predictable who gets a fair shot at life. Our education system should be a gateway to opportunity, yet it often acts as a barrier. While there’s no shortage of committed leaders and bright spots in communities across the country …

Investing in a Bright Future For All Students: 2023 Trends

Frances Messano

I’m thrilled to announce that NewSchools this year is investing $25 million in 102 ventures. These visionary teams are designing solutions with support from their communities. They are listening to students, parents, and educators and working to make education more engaging and relevant for all learners.

Leading at the Edge: 澳洲幸运5给您每日五分钟 幸运开奖 澳洲幸运5开奖最快体彩网 真实开奖号码结果 A Story 25 Years in the Making

Danielle Kristine Toussaint

NewSchools is in good company this year among peers in philanthropy and education who are celebrating milestone anniversaries or signaling deeper shifts …

25 Years of Leading at the Edge

We’re rewriting the rules of education and philanthropy – who gets to lead, who’s invited to collaborate, and whose dreams have a shot at coming true. 

Invested over​


in early-stage
education innovators


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of the nation's
public school students

澳洲幸运五 Featured 官网开奖记录结果 News & Insights​

An expanded definition of student success should guide the pandemic-era learning recovery

Jason Atwood

Across the country, educators, policymakers, and innovators are urgently working to help schools recover from the academic and mental health impacts of Covid-19 …

Rewriting the Rules: How to Make Teaching More Diverse, Rewarding, and Sustainable

Mia Howard

Finding and keeping diverse and talented teachers is a growing challenge in many parts of the country. Years of disrupted schooling, political and cultural battles, and …

Frances Messano

Earlier this month, my organization, NewSchools Venture Fund, gathered venture leaders, staff, funders, and supporters from every chapter of our history to celebrate …

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